Above: Views over Guanajuato Mexico where I was just a few days ago.
June 30, 2016
I’m on an 11 hr flight from Mexico City to Munich as I write this, sipping on my 3rd glass of wine. So I apologize in advance for a few of the things I’m going to say in this Newsletter.
First off: Travel Plans
I’m on my way back to Split (Croatia) where Lissette stayed while I was visiting my mom in Mexico for 2 weeks. I’ll be writing about a few destinations in Mexico over the next few weeks. Towards the middle of July we’ll be leaving Croatia and heading to Macedonia where we’ll be for 10 days. We’ll be spending most of our time in the capital city of Skopje but will also go to beautiful Lake Ohrid. Then, at the end of July we’ll be heading to Lisbon which will be our base for the month of August. We plan on making Spain and Portugal our bases for the next 3 months. That will bring us to November and a new destination: Japan. That’s as far as we’ve planned so far but chances are we’ll be spending the end of the year in Asia somewhere.
Above: Lissette (and Crazy Bastard) in Split, Croatia.
3 Days ago the Brits decided to split from the EU. If I was a young Brit I would be totally pissed.
I think someone said it well – “the younger generation has lost the right to live and work in 27 other countries. We will never know the full extent of the lost opportunities, friendships, marriages and experiences we will be denied. Freedom of movement was taken away by our parents, uncles, and grandparents in a parting blow to a generation that was already drowning in the debts of our predecessors.”
I can sympathize on different levels.
I’ve been involved in two referendums of my own in Quebec where a large portion of the population wanted (and still wants) separation from Canada. It was the usual bunch: Quebec artists, retirees, farmers, blue collar workers, the unemployed, and students in French-speaking universities (the other thing these good-for-nothings clamour for is free education. Get real). Most are unilingual, blinded by past injustices and, most importantly, having no dealings nationally. They don’t care what happens outside their little rural backwater. I’d love to know what percentage of tax revenues this portion of the population represents to the province of Quebec. Twice the province was held hostage to their demands for separation, twice Quebec squeezed by to continue as part of Canada (only thanks to Montreal – which like London – is cosmopolitan and educated). In 1995 the “No” to separation vote was 50.58% to 49.42%. It was that close. Many companies, including the one I worked for, talked of leaving Quebec in the event of separation and I can only be thankful that it never happened because my prospects and life would have turned out totally differently. Most people with jobs can be thankful that separation never happened.
For now the demands for separation have quelled. But Quebeckers are a fickle bunch and it never takes much to reignite the flame. The language tensions and cultural divide are always there. It’s one of the reasons why, when we left to travel full-time a couple of years ago, that we decided that we would never live in Montreal again. For all the richness that is Quebec, and Montreal, never again.
* by the way, “Brexit” is recognized as the 3rd major referendum vote in recent history after Quebec and Scotland. You can bet Scotland will be going through another referendum after THEY voted to stay in the EU – and will likely secede from the UK.
Another personal tie to Brexit and its ramifications: my parents were both born in Germany. But I never got a German passport (don’t get me started on fine print that excluded me). About 10 years ago I went to the German embassy with a whole bunch of paperwork to see if there was any possibility at all. I was told “no” and remember how disappointed I was. I always wanted to travel and would have done almost anything for an EU passport, the freedom of movement and opportunity to work anywhere in Europe is a huge privilege. Yet somehow last week the majority of British people voted to throw that privilege away. Again, as a young Brit I would be incensed at all the opportunities that had just been taken away from me.
The British have chosen to leave the EU and the dominos will fall all over the continent. I’ve been saying it since last year when we were in Budapest when the whole immigrant crisis began. It’s actually less than a year: it was early September when things came to a head and Merkel opened her big mouth – and doors – to Muslim immigrants. What a colossal, cataclysmic mistake that was. It will one day make it in the history books as the beginning of the end of Europe as we know it. What I never thought was that it was just the start of a movement worldwide – including in the US – of the hordes sticking their middle fingers out in the faces of Liberal politicians. There’s a lot people will take: useless Euro leaders who between them can’t come to a consensus on anything, economies that have been stagnant since 2008, and debt crises caused precisely because of the single currency (add to that the austerity measures then imposed on certain countries that has led to record unemployment and increased poverty among all classes). There’s a lot people will take – but then, without the people’s consent, to add angry, entitled hordes of Muslim youth? (to be replaced so far this year by women and babies – lots and lots of babies). That was the breaking point. The people had enough.
Europe’s leaders deserved what happened in the UK and what will continue to happen across Europe. It is basically a big “Fuck You” to the whole lot of them. They have been what the US media usually label them to be – spineless, indecisive and finger-pointing. Europe can theoretically work, multiculturalism can work (and has worked in many places – including Canada). Liberalism can work. But they can only work within a framework administered by capable government. And it doesn’t mean letting in everyone who wants to come in. Liberalism and multiculturalism has never meant letting everyone in. But what we’re seeing now is the pendulum swinging far to the right and my opinion is that we’ll see isolationist, protectionist, and xenophobic leaders come to power who will appeal to the angry, fed-up masses. Trump in November? I’m betting on it. And that’s a pretty sad state of affairs. Damn, I wish we had Clinton. And I’m talking about Bill. Wasn’t the world a better place in the 1990’s?
As they say in the Game of Thrones, “Winter is Coming”.
And as I was writing the above news out of Istanbul about a terrorist attack at the airport. 41 dead, 140 injured. It’s exactly this stuff that’s fueling the right wing, anti-immigrant movement…We’re flying through that same airport in almost a month from now.
Things that always make me scratch my head when travelling on a plane
1) passengers who start clapping when the pilot successfully lands a plane. It’s his job. I wish co-workers would have applauded me when I produced monthly Financial Statements (“Great work Frank” Clap, Clap, Clap).
2) People going to the bathroom in their socks. Plane bathrooms have to be the most disgusting place to be. So When I see people walking in there with socks I just shudder. Urgg.
3) The 95% of passengers who HAVE to stand up the second the plane parks at the gate. They fight to get their luggage, jostling each other in the process. Then they stand there for the better part of the 10 minutes that it takes for the crew to open the doors and prepare for debarking…It always amazes me looking at this mayhem.
Talking about Pet Peeves when it comes to Plane Travel, have a look at this: Plane Travel and the Real “Dick” Move (or click on the photo below). It’s one of my earliest posts and a bit of a rant.
Anyone else have pet peeves when it comes to plane travel?
Great newsletter, Frank. You always say what’s on your mind, it’s one of the things I appreciate about your writing.
I don’t “know” enough about the UK referendum to thoroughly understand it, but with what I do know it feels like a colossal mistake and I do think the younger generation will be the groups that pays the price. From what I watched on the news, it seemed as if the population that voted to exit, is similar to the population of those in the US who support Trump. I hope your bet on Trump taking the white house is wrong, because he will ruin the cultural fiber of this country. I could spew on about him and his supporters because I loathe the man and everything he stands for, but I’ll leave it right there.
Love! Love! Love! the kid in the video. Too funny.
Ha, yes. I’m not American but still get a lot of people who want to talk about Trump and whether or not he actually has a chance of getting in. At this point it seems to me that he’s already president, the media always covering what he says about the latest thing…and preacher-man Obama seems almost secondary.
It’s pretty scary that we’ve gotten to this point. It’ll be an interesting next couple of months.
Great newsletter. Totally agree with this: “It will one day make it in the history books as the beginning of the end of Europe as we know it.” I see negative changes already in Wiesbaden, Germany, the capital city near where we live.
As for bad behavior on airplanes, don’t get me started. I too am amazed at the people who have to stand up the second the plane lands. I usually get an aisle seat so even worse is when they stand up, and then whip their coats and and backpacks on, invariably hitting me in the process because God forbid these people become aware of their surroundings and look around before doing that.
Plane – exactly Patricia, happens all the time doesn’t it? Damn backpacks, my biggest peeve. People just don’t care, it’s me, me, me…
Well, we agree on the state of Europe.
Interesting read Frank. Regarding Brexit, don’t reserve all your sympathy for the young! From a purely selfish point of view, we are loosing out big style every time we take cash out of the ATM at the moment. We are even taking a hit on arse-end currencies such as the Ukrainian hryvnia (which admittedly was knackered in the first place) and the Kazakhstan tenge (where we are right now). I’m glad we are no longer travelling in Europe. Kirsty and I still don’t know of anyone who actually voted to leave. I can only assume it was the plebs and the uneducated – I’ll enjoy a sly smile when they start complaining on their annual two week holiday this summer to Spain, Greece and the like that a pint of beer is at least 20% more than they were expecting.
It could be worse, imagine what the mood would be like if we had got kicked out of the football (Euros 2016) by a team of Nordic part-timers!!!!!
Couple of things on a flight – they don’t make me scratch my head in wonderment (although I do agree with your list above) but more just piss me off;
People who use the back of my seat to lift them out of theirs.
People who recline their seats at brake-neck speed.
Parents who tell me I should have booked a business class seat if I’m not happy with their kids being annoying little gits in the seats behind me (just had that one on our flight from Kiev to Almaty).
Old grannies who get the extra leg room seats at the front of economy class.
Uhh, sorry – but weren’t the English kicked out of Euro by Iceland? 🙂
Appreciate your points on Brexit and you’re so right, although somehow I don’t think you’ll get much sympathy from the plebs and uneducated 🙂 (love it when people call a spade a spade). And you’re exactly right, all’s good until it hits them in the wallet and they have to pay more for that beer (“What? Boris didn’t tell me I would have to pay more for beer, bloody fucken wanker”).
Thanks for your plane comments, yup, totally agree.
I hope Trump wins. Hillary is a crook and your typical paper shuffling idiot that has been at the core of western countries going downhill and becoming a debt ridden mess.
Globalisation has gone to far and millions are sick of their own money being used to help foreign interests. Sick of political correctness, sick of bureaucratic wankers making a career out of stuff ups and feathering their own nests, sick of politicians ignoring their concerns.
You always have a way with word! Love it. I still haven’t made up my mind about Brexit. I do however think that these idiots who don’t get out to vote then whine about the loss need to be slapped upside down the head. I have a feeling they are so used to everything being on social media that they think just by tweeting it or putting it on their status somehow registers their vote. Watch the same thing happen come November..sigh.. I totally agree with you on number 3. I have a confession, l was always going to the restroom in my socks. I used to bring those socks they gave you in the good old days (mask,socks,toothbrush) and change into them for the flight and discard, but l have finally run out :-(. Now, l bring slippers.
Oh Kemkem, I applaud you for being honest. Its true, I remember the little bathroom kit they would give you, seems like ages ago. The worse I ever did was take off my shoes when at my seat so that I could let my feet breathe. But never walked in pottie without them.
Thing about November: who is truly excited about Hillary? And who’s truly excited about Trump? What %’age of supporters of either are going to bother showing up to vote? I’m betting Trump supporters come out in big numbers. If and when that happens the world will really be a different place. For now I don’t think anyone believes it will happen but I’m thinking people will be surprised….
the Scots seem to be more reasonable than the rest of the UK but the true consequences of Brexit will be seen in the future (even though there are already some). I must say I was surprised when the Scottish referendum didn’t work out, but now I’m sure they’ll do it again and a different result might come. as for EU, well it’s got a lot of good sides but the bureaucracy and all the people working there, that’s not really good, it’s almost become a reason unto itself; like they only concern themselves with silly laws and don’t do real things
Yes, I think Scotland will have a go at it again soon and will end up part of the EU. Funny that they have different ideas about it all, wonder why.
I think you nailed on your last line. People fed up with pencil-pusher politicians wasting tax payer’s money.
“But see Tony’s comment above on the UK and it’s wealth since becoming part of the EU”
But every country has improved its wealth over 30 or 40 years. The media hysteria is way over the top. The FTSE is trading at record levels again. They had their best week since 2011.
Sadly the media is full of leftists pushing a one world agenda. Marxist wet dream.
I guess time will tell. Will also be interesting to see the negotiations out of the EU, will be a precedence for referendums to come.
Yes, (almost) “every country has improved their wealth over the last 30 or 40 years” (actually more like 60 to 70 years…our recent performances have been a lot less illustrious) but not to the extent or depth of the EU countries . They were in ruins in every way in 1945, and most had to rebuild almost from scratch. Today they are to a very high degree amongst the richest nations in the world – and also have a very high quality of Life – whatever criteria are used to measure it… At the time the richest world states were he US – and then Argentina (huh !) Many European countries were close to starvation – including the UK that lived on food rations almost until the mid-1950s. When Portugal and Spain joined the EU in the 1980s, they were basically ‘poor, peasant’ societies. Within 10 years they had been revolutionised – infrastructure wise, standard of living wise – and politically, they have been stable, contributing members (after being incapable of throwing off their respective dictators since the 1930s…) Other examples – the 3 Baltic states, Czech republic. Where the EU has failed more recently is the Eastern European states, where very much less has been done than previously to bring ‘up’ the countries to towards the other EU members level – its like they are being kept as ‘pools’ of cheap labour for the rest of Europe ! Definitely though, the EU is not doing the job they used to with new members – and now, not for old members either. But Europe is not just a successful economic single market – and that it very much still is , despite everything else. But as important, was its purpose as a deterrent to almost continual War that has plagued the Continent for literally centuries . And in that it has largely succeeded too. Remember the Balkan states just a little over 20 years ago ? The problem of the EU is to better live up to its ideals. The UK was never really in Europe. It was a reluctant, odd-man out, lone wolf member from the star,t and its actions over the years were more orientated to getting the most and best for herself while contributing the least possible. The UK was never really interested in the common well being of Europe, or its member states – it was more a case of ensuring that the EU did not work to its full potential..
“Europe can theoretically work, multiculturalism can work (and has worked in many places – including Canada)”
Yes and no. It only works when the immigrants want to blend in. Doesnt mean giving up all the old ways of life but they have to blend in and respect the local culture. Far too many muslims have no respect for other cultures. Seriously which countries have benefited from muslim immigrants in any major way? “Kebabs” is the joking answer that some give cause they can’t think of anything else.
“Doesn’t mean giving up all the old ways of life but they have to blend in and respect the local culture”. Totally agree, and it’s usually the problem. In some cases though it’s as much about the society not affording them opportunities – see France where most have ended up as 2nd class citizens. They’ve integrated much better in Germany and the UK (and again, Canada).
UK population is some 64 million. Quebec is just over 8 million so there is no comparison on a stand alone basis and Quebec is part of the same country of Canada. The UK is a separate region from European mainland.
Scotland leaving the UK would be closer comparison with Quebec. Small nations need to be oil or banking rich to stand alone.
Quebec separation would have a significant impact on Canada, which last I checked had a population of about 35 Million. Yes, might not have the impact of the UK and the EU as a whole (Canada still a peripheral economy) but still significant in political terms. And you’re right, Quebec could never do it alone, the economy not strong enough. But it was never about the economy for separatists, it was about culture and being ‘under the thumb of Ottawa” (much like the UK referendum). But see Tony’s comment above on the UK and it’s wealth since becoming part of the EU. Question is how IT will be affected in the long run, especially since much of the economy based on it being the banking center of much of Europe.
Google “stupid butt hurt millenials” by Paul Joseph Watson
Absolutely nails these lefty morons to the ground.
Oh, that’s great! Loved watching that.
But I agree, and it reminds me of this article I had attached to a previous newsletter where I basically said enough with political correctness and acting like crybabies all over social media.
The EU has been a disaster and having some pompous twots in Brussels tell you what to do -to hell with that. Btw only 36% of young people even voted and now they are whinging. Pathetic gits.
Very uncertain times for the UK and no doubt the rest of Europe. I like the way that you can see both sides of the story, sadly many people can’t here and there was a certain amount of attempting to bully others into thinking the same that hasn’t let up yet. As for airplanes, there was a young model type girl on my flight the other day who went into the loo completely barefoot – bizarre!
Thanks Suze. Barefoot? Oh, that is disgusting.
Great newsletter Frank. Socks..loos..definitely a cringe worthy ‘can’t believe anyone would’ moment. As for Brexit, it is a democracy – I think they need a vote on who wants a re-vote!
So many friends over there are really distressed about it and I have seen a few clashes on FB between people. Glad we were there last year and not this year in a number of ways. I am feeling sad for the country as a whole.
Thanks for the comment Jan. Maybe Brexit will end up making London a bit more affordable for visitors!
I’m a young (probably not by some kids’ standards but still young in relative terms!) Brit and you pretty much exactly summed up my views on it. Not the result that me or most around me had wanted so big area of uncertainty for us all now and now the literal and metaphorical political games going on in the Tory party is turning into a bit of a cartoon fiasco. Still, in happier news, so exciting to hear you’re going to Japan later this year. I went for the first time in April and had an amazing time out there! Have you had any thoughts on which parts you’ll be wanting to visit? Can’t wait to read about it all!
You must have been quite disappointed Shikha. I’m interested in how it will all work out and have been glued to the news in recent days.
Japan: haven’t planned at all yet. Tokyo and Kyoto for sure would have to be included. I’m open to any suggestions!
Yep, the EU deserves to be woken up and jolted to reality. For far too long – at least since the 2005 Maasdricht debacle (the French and Dutch voted “Nay” in their own referendums, and the other countries quickly dropped any potential referendums they themselves had…) instead of listening to the electorate, the EU boffins worked on circumnavigating and getting around theNay’ vote. What cretins. The EU should be working on harmonizing pay, taxes and working conditions across its member states – that is what the people want (amongst other things) Instead, they concentrate on worthless, unwanted, trivial bull—-t that alienates the populations, and has and will continue to lead to the flow towards the extreme Rught. The Polish truckdriver , earning his 300 Euros a month, and allowed to work 70 plus hours a week is killing the German, French, Dutch – and other countries – trucking industries as they simply can’t compete. What is the EU doing about that ? Why, promoting it of course ! Eastern ‘bloc’ workers can work in the richer, high-paying states – but there, they work for the far lower pay scale applicable in their country, and the lower social charges too. Crazy. How can the local workers compete ? That was a big reason behind the Brexit vote too. The million odd Poles in the UK have lowered the ‘common denominator to a new low, pay wise. There is a lot of good in the EU . In the ‘good ol’ days’, they brought Spain and Portugal’s standard of living up to near EU average levels – without free flow of labour across borders. The ‘new’ EU was signed on boiard and given all the rights before they were either ready for it. Intsead of improving the new memebers standards and staus, the EU is using the eastern countries as a ‘cheap labour’ source for the rreicher West’s multinationals and corporations,. Familiar ? Just like their completely nuts immigration nd refugee policies.
I am hoping (vainly perhaps…) that the Brexit shock will wake Bruxelles up, to face and undertake the reforms and changes that they must do. Otherwise there will be ‘contagion’ and the EU will be faced with its own unravelling. However, I believe the EU ideal is still very much an ideal of the ‘old school’ member states. I believe countries like Germany, France and Italy are with others, very attached to the European dream. Maybe we will end up with the ‘old’ EU – which worked very well – of 6 or 12 nations, and maybe some other deeply attached ones like the Baltic states . We must remember why the EU was formed in the first place and the tremendous success it had, and its member states had, until this new century.
I don’t (can’t) believe that the European dream will lie down ad die so easily. Time will tell.
After all when the UK joined the EU in the early seventies, it was , like Ireland, one of the poorest of the European nations. Today , it is one of the richest – and Ireland is taking over the UK … Hmmm… . It did not just happen by chance. To belong to a group like the EU, one has to take the good with the bad – and that’s something the UK has never ever wanted to do. It has always been the ‘odd man’ out – and most often not because of bad or poor policies by the EU ! The outright lie that was blazoned on the buses that the UK sends Stlg 350 million a week to Bruxelles (and that is still only Stlg 7 a week per capita !!!) was never tempered by the true fact, that the UK gets back Stlg 250 million a week in payments – including but not limited to, the basic rebuilding of some of their decayed and depressed cities like Liverpool and Manchester ! The UK is a huge beneficiary of EU funds too. The trouble is, so few Brits know it – or know what they get by belonging to the EU. I guess they will soon find out.
To think the UK’s future lies in a Norway or Switzerland kind of associated membership in the EU is just not in play. Both are small countries, population and otherwise, and they are also amongst the richest in the world, Norway because of its oil, Switzerland for what its always been. And in order to have a Norway type of agreement , the UK would hv to agree to freee-movement of labour across its borders, like Norway does. And that surely, was one of the major reasons that the UK voted their Brexit ? Times are going to be tough for the UK and for the EU . I am more concerned that Europe comes out of it , chastened and shocked perhaps, but a far better place to be . All they have to do is listen to their People, instead of treating them with arrogance, distain and total indifference.
Unfortunately that’s not prevailing philosophy in almost all countries today – largely because the politicians and business ‘elite’ have been able to get away with it for so long. But maybe, just maybe , that will not be the case for too much longer ! Vive l’Europe !
Interesting analysis Tony!! My mom was recently mentioning how long it took for the EU regulators to define what a “pillow” was – it had to have a certain shape and size. Once they could define what a pillow was, they could determine all the laws to regulate the sale and distribution of pillows. You might get a chuckle from this article.
Something I’ve heard talked about in recent days is “Frexit”. Article you might like. I don’t know how plausible it actually is…but as the article says, France leaving the EU would be the end of it all.
Ah, Brexit, the whole world is talking about us right now, and I don’t blame them. I for one was horrified with the result, and whilst at 35 I’m not quite one of the young ‘uns any more, I still feel my future has been screwed over. I’m confident that many of the ‘leave’ voters didn’t really have a clue what they were voting for thanks to catastrophic and misleading campaigns on both sides, and now they realise what they’ve done, many want to back track. We’re desperately hoping for a re-vote due to the small margin, I bet that would turn out pretty differently, but it won’t happen, and wouldn’t say much for democracy if it did. Democracy is all well and good when the people are armed with truth and wisdom, but baffle the hell out of them and actually it does more harm than good. As we can see. The most daunting prospect is not knowing what the future holds, and feeling like the rest of the world hates us. We’ve been called racists and xenophobes, which really pisses me off. One, not all of us voted ‘leave’. Two, not all of those who did vote ‘leave’ voted entirely due to immigration. Many, including some of those close to me, voted ‘leave’ because their own business interests were being stifled by restrictive EU trading laws. And three, immigration is a very real problem, not just something that had been sensationalised in the press. It’s a strange feeling being here in the UK at the moment, it’s embarrassing, scary and chaotic (with no-one in charge and only a selection of undesirables standing in the wings to take on the new leadership). We’re screwed in the ‘short’ term. Which is why we’re heading to Slovenia tomorrow for a bit of peace. Will be interesting to hear their take on it all.
On a lighter note…it pisses me off too when people clap a plane landing, as if they weren’t necessarily expecting it to happen that way. What jerks. ‘Almost’ as bad as when concert audiences clap part way through a symphony, not realising there’s more than one movement (now that has to by my no. peeve ever!).
Thanks Heather!
Politicians always lie, Quebeckers were told (just like the Brits) how much they were paying into a black hole in Ottawa (or Brussels in your case). Never mind that in Canada all the money going to the Federal government was redistributed to Canadian provinces as “Equalization payments” and as a poorer province Quebec received more money than it paid. But it made for a good soundbite by Quebec politicians and many people bought it. Makes you wonder about people voting, also makes you question the soundness of Democracy. As I often learned playing hockey, you’re only as strong as your weakest player. When you have too many uninformed, uneducated people it brings everybody down.
Yes, I don’t blame some of the reasons for voting leave, many had to do with what I say above about lame-ass Euro politics and politicians. They dug their own hole in many respects. Somehow I don’t think the UK is going to be alone in leaving the UK Heather, I have the feeling the worst in coming and that within the next 2 years the whole thing might unravel.
HA about the pet peeve!
Hi Frank! I totally agree with you about the socks in the toilet. Every time I see someone going to the toilet in their socks (or worse barefoot) I cringe!! As for Brexit, I think it’s too early to know what will happen. Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland aren’t part of the EU but they have the same rights as EU nationals when it comes to working in other countries. I guess both sides have strong and reasonable debates but, personally, I can’t form an opinion as I’m not a citizen of the U.K. I guess the world will just have to wait and see. As for Quebec separating, I can say that would be a disaster! The economy isn’t strong enough to subsist on its own and, like you said, the whole language debate already puts a lot of strain and barriers on businesses (and people). Looking forward to reading about your Japan adventures. I was only there on a layover and it left me wanting more! Anyways, happy travels!
Thanks Lydia,
I think Brits being able to continue working in the EU will be totally off the table. Unlike those countries it WAS in the EU and chose to leave. As we saw in Canada, divorce is ugly and there was no way Canada would have allowed the benefits (to Quebec) of all the benefits of Canadianism…I think we’ve already seen it will be ugly between the UK and EU.
But you know what? a good precedence for future referendums and outcomes.
Thanks for your comments on Japan, everyone who goes seems to enjoy it! 🙂