48 Hours in Granada
48 Hours in Granada There are 3 “must see” destinations in Andalusia (in our opinion): Seville, Cordoba…and Granada. Of those Granada has what is disputably the most famous attraction …
48 Hours in Granada There are 3 “must see” destinations in Andalusia (in our opinion): Seville, Cordoba…and Granada. Of those Granada has what is disputably the most famous attraction …
It’s been almost 2 ½ years that we’ve lived in Nerja. We decided it was time to do a video listing the Pros and Cons of living in Nerja! Summary and more detail on …
Mexico or Spain? Updated August 2024. Mexico is the top retirement destination for Americans and Canadians. I know a lot of people who retire there, including my mother who decided to make Mexico home …
30 Photos that will make you want to visit Antequera (Spain) Updated August 2024. We visited Antequera on a recent trip around Andalusia. It is a city that really impressed us – Antequera actually …
24 Hours in Malaga (in Photos) So you’ve got 24 hours in Málaga and don’t know what to do? Living in the region and having passed through Málaga numerous times, we’ve had our share of 24-hour visits …
Why we chose Nerja as our new home in Spain Updated August 2024. It’s funny how things aligned to bring us to Nerja. It was early 2020 and we were on a scouting trip through Spain, looking for …
Why can’t expats and locals get along? When we first moved to Spain we befriended a local taxi driver. He had been recommended to us by the owner of our Airbnb and we used him on our first commute to …
Over the last 10 years of travel we’ve seen a lot of castles and fortresses. Some are famous, like Germany’s Neushwanstein Castle and Romania’s Bran Castle (both overrated castles in my opinion). But …
Barcelona is overrated. I just don’t get the hype of Barcelona. Really. I just don’t get it. Barcelona was the last stop on a month-long trip through Spain, a trip that had included Córdoba, Toledo, …