I have done one of these newsletters in 5 months so I figured one was due.
I’m currently at the end of a 2 week trip through Germany with my mom. There’s more to this trip than sightseeing though. I’ll get to that very soon.
But first a bit of a summary. I realized at some point that we’ve gone full circle the first 9 months of this year. In January we started off from Split, went across to Italy (we spent a month in Lecce), went back across the Adriatic to Greece, up through Bulgaria, east to Turkey…then further east to Georgia and Armenia (where we stayed 1 month each), then up to Lviv (Ukraine) where we spent the whole summer (Jeez we love Lviv. We had a great summer). Sept 27 we left Lviv and stayed a few days in Prague. In Prague we said our goodbyes – Lissette going to Split while I went across to Germany where I’ve spent 2 weeks with my mom. In a couple of days I’ll be meeting up with Lissette in Split. It all looks like this on a map.
About this German trip. My mom had been thinking of potentially moving back to Germany where she was born (and lived) the first 20 years of her life. The plan was to find out more about the possibility of doing that and of scouting out places where she might potentially want to settle.
It hasn’t gone as hoped. Germany doesn’t recognize dual citizenship and when my mom met my father (when she was 20), moved to Canada, and became a Canadian citizen she automatically lost her German citizenship. After meeting with immigration officials on this trip she’s was told that if she stayed 3 years in Germany she could get her citizenship back. Not so bad you say. But one stipulation is that she has to be covered by insurance those 3 years. And it’s near impossible to be covered by expat insurance in your 70s especially when you’ve had cancer.
So the regulations have thrown a wrench in her plans. But 3 weeks in Germany also made her realize that life in Mexico (where she’s lived the last 5 years) is pretty good. There’s always sun, it’s inexpensive, fresh fruit and vegetables are abundant, and people are always friendly. This trip has resolved a lot of issues for her that she was on the fence about.
It also means I get to visit her again in Mexico. It’s one of my favorite countries.
Some funny/interesting observations from the last few months of travel
Weirdly named cleaning products
You see a lot of weirdly named things when you travel but some of the weirdest seem to be cleaning products. A few examples.
Mr. Clean in North America. But here he’s Mr. Proper.
Sounds like a dog barking. You find Arf in Croatia (maybe in other places in the Balkans as well)
And here’s our favorite. Found in Ukraine. Nothing works better than Barf.
Fuck you and your cheese plate
A month ago, Lissette and I were having a glass of wine at a restaurant on the main square in Lviv. We noticed the two Turkish men sitting next to us in conversation with the waitress. A few minutes later we see the waitress bring a cheese plate to a table occupied by 2 young ladies. The waitress talks to the two girls while indicating that the cheese came from the guys a couple of tables away.
The girls looked at the cheese plate, glanced at the two guys at the table next to us, and without hesitation waved the cheese plate away.
The cheese plate ends up at the table of the two Turkish guys. The girls pay their bill and leave without looking back.
The lesson? Yes, many Ukrainian girls look for foreign husbands. But they’re also traditional. Don’t just send them a plate of smelly cheese thinking you’ll “get lucky” (beside which: if you saw a pretty girl, would your first impulse be to send her a plate of cheese?) Also: if you just had a plate of rejected cheese dumped on your table, real men wouldn’t start eating that cheese.
The places singers go to die
We’ve noticed some names we haven’t heard of popping up while travelling to lesser-known parts of the globe. They’re all singers that used to be popular in North America about 20 years ago. I wish I had written down all the names we’ve seen. But a few months back we were in Sofia (Bulgaria) and saw that Michael Bolton was coming to town. Michael Bolton! I didn’t know he was still alive. And then today I’m walking around the small city of Erfurt (Germany) and I see the sign below.
Herbie Hancock?? Who the heck is Herbie Hancock you say? This is one of his most famous songs (from 1983).
And then I saw another sign.
How desperate is Cesar Millan that he’s now doing shows in Efurt, Germany? (population 210,000). Many years ago we went to one of his shows in Montreal (we always loved his shows on tv). It was the most boring thing we’ve ever gone to. We’re still pissed at him for leaving his first wife…
Tourists and Ice Cream
You can always spot a tourist because they’ll be the ones eating ice cream when it’s 5C out. That’s true anywhere in the world. You could have an ice cream stand in Montreal in the month of January and you’d get a tourist ordering an ice cream. I don’t understand that.
That kid better get his ice cream eating technique straightened out…
It’s ok to say you are sick to your stomach but another thing to say you have diarrhea
I wrote about our tour group in Armenia. On one of the days we were sitting on a long table all exchanging those travel stories that travellers always tell about being sick on their travels. One guy, David, was recounting how he had been so sick in Nairobi that he hadn’t seen anything. He’d spent the whole 3 days in the hotel room being sick. That’s usually when everyone sympathizes and tells a story of their own. Then you usually have people saying things like “I’ll never eat a salad while on vacation” or “I usually carry around my disinfectant napkins”. That kind of thing.
Anyway, we were around that long table in Armenia, having lunch and talking about being sick when this guy David (an American who lives in Delhi who had just told us the story about being sick in Nairobi) started describing the “vicious diarrhea” he had suffered when arriving in Yerevan. He wasn’t sure if the diarrhea was the result of the plane, or food before departure, or of something he had eaten upon arrival. He didn’t know. But that’s where the conversation ended. The table was suddenly quiet. You can be sick – but unless you want to be remembered for the wrong reasons don’t start describing your “vicious diarrhea” in mixed company.
We’ll be spending the rest of this year in the Balkans. Most of that time will be in Croatia, but we’ll break it up with a few weeks in Bosnia & Herzegovina. There are 2 reasons for that – Lissette didn’t want a hot weather destination (she’s sick of the heat) and I want a bit of sunshine. Even in winter the weather in Croatia is mild and (mostly) sunny so it’s perfect for both of us.
The other reason is that we have lots of planning to do for 2020. I’ll write about that more towards year end. So having a stable base for a few months will be good because next year will be very hectic.
Thanks for Reading!!
Note: You’ll find all of our newsletters right HERE.
Why waste good cheese over a couple of stuck up moles? Eat the cheese, drink the beer and enjoy the day.
Life is too short.
Well, I have to stand up for the girls. Just because a couple of middle aged guys send you cheese doesn’t mean they get a date.
Otherwise I agree with you. Too old to be sending girls cheese.
Love your straight and honest posts, my kind!
Since you mentioned health insurance for expat, have you explored insurance co’s that sell policies to long term travelers. I know many Israelis who live overseas buy them and many years ago I checked into one, it seemed good. How do you (pardon the privacy) and lissette handle health insurance?
Q’s will be going to Israel beginning of November and wanted to travel apx 2 weeks someplace in Europe that will not be cold (hate the cold even in the 40’s). Is Spain a good option (still trying to get there). I was surprised you mentioned that Bosnia-Herz has a mild winter since I do want to go back to Sarajevo and the outskirts there.
I think great decision for your Mom, the familiar is comforting after a certain age. Enjoy the winter.
Hi Sara,
Lissette and I get Expat Insurance policies from Allianz which costs $882 (Canadian) for 6 months at our age (we’re both 52). Most insurance companies don’t cover after 65 however and if they do it gets quite expensive.
I quote the cost on a 6 month basis because I usually run our policies 6 months at a time. For 12 months it’s the same cost multiplied by 2 so no savings…
If you’re looking for insurance particular to 1 place though (and not travelling constantly as we are) then you should look for insurance for that particular country. Usually with a local company. It would be cheaper.
Sorry for misunderstanding. Bosnia-Herz not a mild winter. I’m just saying that Croatia does.
Sounds like a nice plan Sara!
PS. write me privately if you have further questions on insurance.
Hey great post with a few great stories too! Seriously, a platter of cheese???? I mean nothing is as sexy as cheese, right? That’s frickin’ hilarious! And who hasn’t had vicious diarrhea when travelling?? Man the posts I could write… but you’re right. it’s no way to start a conversation. in fact when you say you were really sick and people understand the situation the actual effects of the sickness are in fact understood without being spelt out!
Okay… is there any chance you’re popping over to Spain or Portugal before the end of the year? We’ll be there from 23rd November for 3 weeks… just wondered that’s all!
Ok, so I’m not the only one who things sending someone cheese is odd. And yeah, nobody has to spell out that they’ve got diarrhea (you can also call it as “having a case of the crappuccinos”).
No, Spain will be for 3 months starting Feb 1 when we fly from Budapest. Would have been a pleasure to meet you Andy. What are you Spain/Portugal plans?
hi frank. I never seem to get notifications when you reply by the way to my comments these days. Not sure why… thats a pity. I reckon we’ll work it out one day. Unfortunately its – as always – a whirlwind tour of Spain and Portugal, we have 20 days I think, Barcelona, Seville, Lisbon and Porto. Still I’ve never been so should be good and I dont think Ive ever needed to get away from here so much in my life. Oh and the first part is Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Jerusalem just to be different!
Thanks Andrew. I mentioned it to the guy who takes care of my technical stuff, maybe he’ll find a solution. I can’t remember if something was changed along the line or an option was unclicked…
You’ll love Seville, we spend 2 months there a few years ago. Lisbon we found very touristy and we didn’t enjoy being there as slow travellers. But for a few days it IS beautiful.
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Jerusalem all places we haven’t been. One day!
Very funny post, as always and lots of interesting titbits. Did you move between countries overland? Do you need different visas for each country? I like the way you travel, staying for a month and immersing yourselves into the local lifestyle. I agree with your mum’s decision, particularly since the winter in Germany can be hard. Also sounds like she has a great life in Mexico. Enjoy the rest of the year in the Balkans, I will be looking forward to your next chapter.
Most of it was overland Gilda, except when we left Istanbul. Flew Istanbul – Antalya, then Antalya – Tbilisi. Took the train to Yerevan but then we flew Yerevan – Lviv. Those connections would have been too long overland. Only visas required for us as Canadians were Turkey and Armenia.
My mom’s had a few concerns about safety and health insurance as she gets older. But in the end Mexico makes more sense in terms of cost, the weather, food, and the friendliness of people (not that people in Germany are not friendly. But in Mexico people are really super friendly and helpful)
Wow, you’ve had a full 2019 Frank. I agree with Lissette…sick of the heat. How long can you stay in Croatia? The whole winter?
Hi Corinne. We’re allowed 90 days out of 180, same as Schengen. That’s why we ended up being in Croatia so much in the 1st places, was just a place where we could get out of Schengen.
So we’ll break Croatia up with a bit of B&H, that was we can stay until early Jan.
Sunday . October 13
From Colorado . . .
September – October . . . nice time to explore Germany or any location. September is our favorite travel month. It’s nice to share the time with your mom.
Does she live in San Miguel de Allende? We spent a month there about ten years ago, and we will return again for the month of February, 2020. It would be fun to share a cup of coffee with her. It’s such a busy and active city, especially in the winter months. She may not want to add anything to her plans. We were in Cuenca, Ecuador, last March, and our return trip was delayed by the 737 plane problems. American gave us $700 vouchers, so we are using them to go to San Miguel.
. . . Judy
You’re right Sept/Oct is a good time. Kids back to school and temps a bit better overall (we’ve had a really rough 10 days weather wise this time though…just the last few days have cleared up but overall 11/14 days rainy or seriously overcast).
She be happy to meet up with you in SMA Judy! It’s a beautiful day (if you haven’t, make sure to take a day trip or one night to Guanajuato).
Had a great laugh … I’m currently traveling with someone and it’s all fine except hearing about her diarrhea hahahaha
She sounds like a fun companion. Where are you these days Paula? With no blog anymore I can’t keep up with you…
Ah… it isn’t just me. I recently came across a link to Paula’s blog and it was a dead end. Now I know.
Love the cheese platter story. So funny.
Love this update!
That was an interesting turn of events for your mother. When I saw the post title I thought exploring German residency was going to be for you and Lissette.
Figuring out cleaning products is fun. We struggled with dish soap in Nicaragua. It comes in a round tub and you rub your sponge on the hard paste to get some suds going. Nothing beats Barf!
And the bygone celebrity part is funny. Here in Kyiv there are poster ads with Bruce Willis. He’s not holding the beverage – I think an energy drink – featured in the poster and I do wonder if he even got paid for it.
Finally, I have to object about the tourist ice cream observation. We prefer gelato.
I think I saw the same Bruce Willis ad Colleen when we were in Kyiv!
And interesting about the round tub full of paste.
You know what we often get screwed up about in Eastern Europe: milk/yugurt/butter milk cartons. They have a lot of different brands and I don’t know how many times I went in wanting to buy milk and came out with some kind of weird sour milk that I don’t know what people use for…Have you run into that?
I sent one kid to the store for milk and she came back with kefir. It certainly ruins a cup of coffee. But it’s good straight up if you like that kind of thing. I’m told it fixes constipation – how that comes up in conversation?
Ah, yes. Kefir. I actually drank it afterwards and it’s like yogurt if I remember right. But you’re right, ruins a cup of coffee.
Hmm, constipation. Yes, that’s a conversation starter…
Germany still has some of the most beautiful architecture. But I can’t speak German. So, it would not be a most suitable home for me either. Anyway, glad to know that your mom had found a nice home in Mexico. Hope you and Lissette would eventually find a nice home somewhere that both of you would really feel at home in.
Thanks for the kind words Wendy. You’re right about the architecture, it’s very unique. I don’t think I would want to live here either unless I’go back to working full-time: it’s expensive and with the weather it’s not really the kind of place people go to to retire. That’s like going back to Canada to retire 🙁
I guess it can be difficult to find a suitable home as one get older.
But one should never lose hope of finding one.
By the way, I am thinking of travelling back to England via cargo ship!
I am not really keen on Europe either. It is just that I had travelled to England many times and had experienced living there. So, it is a place that I am familiar with.
By the way, do you have any plan to stop by in England in your future travel plans? I noticed there is no article written about England so far.
That’s the kind of trip I’d like to do one day Wendy. How did you manage that? I used to work in the shipping business and I know it’s gotten more complicated with all the paperwork these days…
You’re right, last time I was in England I was 13. Lissette is more curious than I am…I guess the main drawback is cost. I don’t like expensive places.